
Budgeting each bite

Archive for the tag “holiday”

Earth Day Ideas

Happy Earth Day foodies! In honor of this holiday, check out these great environmetally friendly grocery shopping and cooking tips from a kaboose.com article written by Lisa Bell.

Celebrating Earth Day- Every Day 

“EGGcellent” Easter Bread

Hey everyone it is almost Easter Sunday and I know we all have our own traditions for how or what we celebrate.  When I first started living with one of my roommates he introduced me to “Easter bread” that his mom makes.  His mom mails one down every year for Easter and I look forward to it each time. Unfortunately, my roommate went home for Easter so his mom didn’t mail down an Easter bread so I decided to go looking for a recipe on my own.  I found a blog called theitaliandishblog.com that had a pretty appetizing recipe for Easter bread.  Check out their Easter bread and let them know how you feel about it.


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